A lot of people who have never been to Pattaya before, might think about the bargirls that are working here as dumb, stupid girls, not capable of doing anything else but exploiting their beautiful body.
They can't be more wrong. Some of them really are, just as everywhere, but a lot of them are a lot smarter then the average management assistant. The smartest bargirls will make enough money in just a few years to start a small business maybe, to build a house and to support her family. 3000 dollar a month is easy, if you have the looks and know how to play the game.
Smart bargirls are the best in English in Thailand, and they can read and write better then most business men (English is not so easy, just try to learn the Thai alfabet yourself and you'll know how difficult it is, the same goes for the opposite way).
Typing fast is not a problem either, because as a bargirl, you can't stay all day in the internet café, you have to move on. And by making copies of the same mail message to different guys you can send a lot of email in no time. Just change the name in the end, and add a personal line. A clever bargirl will understand the importance of all this.
That's what they call customer relationship management...:-)
In the end it is always funny to see some tourists typing slowly, looking for the right character, one by one, sitting next to a bargirl, who is typing blindly, while she is chatting and having 5 windows open at once.
Having more then one farang friend needs some organizing skills too, especially if they are stupid enough to send you some money on a regular schedule, thinking you're not working in the bar anymore.
You'll have to keep an agenda, making sure there won't be 2 boyfriends at the same time. IF it happens, you'll have to disappear for a few days.
This requires that the other girls in the bar, will have to say the same story to your boyfriend when he shows up.
And as some girls might be jealous of your status if you become too succesful, it means you'll have to keep them happy too, maybe by doing the same favour, but if they don't have the luck to have a sponsor, you might be forced to give them some cash or something that keeps them happy.
A good bargirl knows about politics...
Some guys are even more stupid and willing to pay others to check on you, or even hire a private detective.
A joke? No, just have a look at popular sites like www.thai-spy.com.
So, all those previous skills are not enough to guarantee your monthly payments from your overseas boyfriend.
Maybe he could discover your baby or your Thai (real) boyfriend.
You'll need some espionage skills yourself, to keep these guys away.
In order to hook your customer, you'll also have to know very well what type of customer you have.
Some of them just want sex, others want a replacement for their lost relationship, or whatever.
Once you know his weakness, the rest will be a piece of cake.
That's what they call psychology...
The ultimate goal is maybe getting married, but even then it might be interesting to keep the show going on. You'll need a separate bank account, where you can keep receiving money from previous lovers as long as possible.
Working in a bar brings in a lot more money then usual, and though this is a difficult area, there are a few exceptional girls who are able to do some little smart investments, instead of spending all the money. But saving money is not one of the strongest points for many Thai in general.
These bargirls, they all missed school in one way or another. Or maybe not all of them, some are working in a bank, but in a massage in the evening, others just work a short time in a bar to pay for studies...
So watch out, the next schoolgirl you'll see in Classroom, might actually be a really smart schoolgirl...:-)