Monday, March 24, 2008

Choosing the right pants

It is important to select the right pants in Pattaya...;-)

Personally, I'll never wear jeans, too hot and for that reason not so good for your genitals!!!

If you see me in long pants, it might be Thai pants, you know, the ones that look similar to those in the traditional massage but a little bit different.
Or the very thin pants with flashy colors: good for the heat, good to keep mosquitos away. Not so good if you have something rising up, which happens a lot in Pattaya (and if it doesn't, they will always make it happen), as it is too easy to see through everything...
The girls will spot you immediately with such pants, giggling and grabbing your banana.
Sanook makmaa... :-)

A safer option are army pants.
In Pattaya it is not a problem to wear army camouflage pants, you won't be the only one. These are a little bit better, not so loose, and the camouflage helps a bit hiding too, in case you should have a "problem"...

Many Thai still consider shorts as something exclusive to school boys, though this is changing.

And if you choose something short, should it be wide too? It has its advantages, especially in soi 6...:-)