Monday, April 14, 2008

Small girls, Big Bikes, Big scars

Looks like everybody has a motorbike in Pattaya, a small one at least.

If you see a girl and ask her: "What happened?", pointing at one or more of her scars, the answer will be in most cases the same: "Me motorbike, me accident. Boom. Ha ha".
They will always tell you the story with a "don't worry, it's okay"-smile... :-)

If you want to see the smallest girls on the biggest bikes, Pattaya is the place to be. A 90 pounds girl on a Harley? Yep, no problem in Pattaya!
When the Harley falls on its side, the game is over of course, she never gets it up (they get a lot of things up, but not this...;-))

And since I had one ugly accident, while sitting on the backseat with one of those girls, I prefer the Bahtbus (or a good healthy walk...)