Newbies may not always understand a Thai, even if the question is: "Do you want SEC?"
Yes that's right: Sec or Sek, not Sex.
Something strange about Thai is they have a problem to pronounce X at the end of a word.
Rolex, Sex, Durex, Relax becomes Rolec, Sec, Durec, Relac.
Funny thing is they can pronounce it very well however, when X is not the last character, they can't say 'Sex' but 'Sexy' is not a problem.
That's the workaround for them too.
Ever noticed all the guys in the IT shop on the upper floors?
They all whisper: Hey man! Do you want sexy movie?
Now, if you happen to meet a Thai girl like this model in the picture I added, and if she says: "I WANT SEC", and you really don't understand I suggest you call me.
I can help you out and take it over from there.