Found this picture on the Tahitian Queen 2 site and I was wondering what the girl was doing here...:-)
Those who stay in Pattaya will probably recognize some faces on the site, and our "student"...:-)
I wasn't there that day and I'm not a frequent visitor of TQ2. However, I've been to Tahitian Queen many times, which is located on beach road. TQ has been there for years, something unusual for a gogo bar.
And it will remain popular for years, if you ask me. Cause Rock n'Roll ain't noise pollution...
It is a nice bar to hop in for a drink early, before most other agogo's are open (and if you need some cool air, though the airco is a little bit too high in my opinion...).
Best part of the bar is the good old-fashioned rock à la AC/DC, Mötley Crüe, Guns'n Roses, ZZ Top, etc
If that is what you like of course...