You can see them at every corner or supermarket, the motortaxi guys in Pattaya.
What are these guys doing? Yep, you can get around all Pattaya on the backseat of such a motorbike. For some of them, that's all they do and where the story ends.
But not in a city like Pattaya, where money rules...
Did you ever notice that some of these guys just sit on their motorbike all day long and do nothing?
Where do they get money to drink beer and do nothing?
Well, if you stay with a (bar)girl for a long time and you decide to do something else in Pattaya with another girl, she will know faster then you can imagine. Did she hear from another bargirl? Or did you just walk past a motortaxi?
It's even possible this motortaxi is her husband, but you'll never know, and in this case he is just a taxi guy to have an easy and close look on you, and/or her earnings...:-)
Maybe google may blur your face in modern technology, but in Pattaya you will always remain VERY visible...
If you want a little private detective to protect yourself, you could try to find and pay a taxi to keep an eye on someone, or you could hire one as a (muay thai) body guard.
These are the pretty innocent activities of a motortaxi. With a lot of Thai and Russian maffia in Pattaya, I guess you can imagine a lot more and less innocent things yourself. I just know this: if a bad guy is after you in Pattaya, don't stay in Pattaya, as you simply can't hide...:-)