Isn't she cute?
Well, before you're getting too close with a girl in Pattaya, you should always keep in mind that most sexy looking girls in Pattaya, are - in many cases - not really girls... This is lovely Emma, a lady in this life, a man in a previous life.
If you doubt what gender your partner belongs to, before going to your room, it's always a good idea to have a look around at your friends at the bar. Maybe you see grinning faces because they know more then you do, or someone spitting out his beer all of a sudden, because he can't hide the secret anymore.
Some men however, like to go with a ladyboy because ... they know what a man feels...
A place to see some of the most sexy ladyboys has always been (and still is) Jenny Star Bar in Walking street.
You'll find it on the right side coming from the beach road, after Lucifer Disco or Polo Entertainment, and before Marine Disco or Living Dolls Agogo
I will mostly take a seat on the other side of the street however, it's safer and I have a good view... ;-)