Finding a taxi in Suvarnabhumi to Pattaya (or any other place) is very easy. Even better, a taxi will find you.
And if this is your first visit to Thailand, you might learn too late that this taxi was not really a taxi.
There are always a lot of guys in the arrival hall, asking you if you want a taxi, and if you agree, they will guide you to the parking opposite the street, where your "taxi" is waiting. No problem. You will probably get a good price, and arrive on your destination. Well, if you don't have an accident with your possibly crazy kamikaze driver, as these guys will often use a private car and drive as fast as possible in order to pick up the next "customer".
Funny part of the story is that the government promised to clean up quickly this false competition to the real taxi-stand about 2 years ago, but when you walk out of Suvarnabhumi these days, you will still see those people looking for customers, the police sitting in the office (drinking coffee, only paying attention to the security cams when they see a sexy butt on the screen), etc
If you are lucky, you will even see some cowboy at the other side of the street (just opposite the real taxi) with a big sign "PATTAYA", yelling: "taxiiiiiiii..... pattayaaaaaa....", only 1200 bath.
The security guys will hardly pay any attention...:-)