In a sin city like Pattaya, it is almost impossible not to be the victim of one or another scam.
Just go to google and try a search for "scams pattaya". WOW! You get an amazing list of all possible dirty scams.
After you have been cheated a few times (just like me or anybody else who stays here for a longer time), you could be pissed and say: "I NEVER EVER give money again to a deaf or crippled person". Because... sometimes you see that same deaf-mute guy another day in another place, talking and discussing with others, just like any other normal person.
But such a reaction would be sad for those poor people that really need help like this man in the picture.
By the way, Thai in general, are very honest. But this is Pattaya where all the scum has been brought together, so use your common sense... :-)